Do you ever get the feeling sometimes that your life is a frantic rush? Like you're running around with a thousand things to do, and maybe an hour to do them? Hahaha....don't we all? I've been feeling a lot like this lately. I'm not saying I'm busier or more important than the average person in the world today, but I do admit that often I feel overwhelmed by the load of work I have to do. School is a full time job (which makes me lucky that I have a minimal part-time job, only about 5 hours per week. Although I just got another job! Woohoo! 60 hours a week.....), and then with trying to cram in my family and church responsibilities I can stress myself out a little too much. It's at times like that when I feel like I'm approaching the frantic stress level of a situation like this:
Or This:
This is how I feel sometimes. No, not the coolness factor - I wish I was that cool. Though if a friend of mine gets his way this is what we'll both be doing for a career. (Working for the CIA I mean, not running away from them.) I feel like I'm constantly running around, like a chicken with my head cut off. And yet, surprisingly, I am starting to like it. I certainly like being busy much better than being bored out of my mind. But I am also getting better at planning and organizing, and being able to carry out the plans that I make. Most importantly, I am prioritizing my life and trying to do the things that are of most importance. School takes priority, work takes priority, friends and family take priority over things like entertainment, busy work, etc. But the most important priority is God.
When I am listening to Heavenly Father and waiting for His words, I feel peace. When I am striving to discern His will and gaining strength and power to do it, I am at peace. When I am studying His scriptures, listening to the words of His prophets and seeking to know more about what He would have me do, I am at peace. When I offer up my soul as a sacrifice to Him in prayer, dedicating my life to be used in His service, drawing near unto Him and His powerful throne in my thoughts while I am going about my business (and His), I am at peace. When I am partaking of the Atonement of Christ and becoming perfected in Him, I am at peace. These things take away the stress, the anxiety, and the heartache that come with the trials and tribulations of our mortal lives. I have been realizing that I have been focusing on too much too fast, and especially focusing on too much of the worldly stuff. I have been trying to do everything myself, almost like I was left on my own - like Jason Bourne. But I'm not alone. I don't have an entire group of people that want to kill me, or thwart me, or make my life stressful. I have a God who loves me and wants to help me be happy. How can you be sad then?? Well, only when I lose sight of this fact.
On another subject, there is a documentary that just breaks my heart. If you've ever been on the bad end of a junior high bullying, or seen someone go through it, or just been a member of elementary through high school, you know what this problem is. This documentary reveals just how serious it is:
This is a huge problem in our schools today. I applaud these documenters for truly revealing certain aspects about the schooling process and bringing light to this terrible matter. There is one problem - it is rated 'R' for the language that the middle-schoolers use, curse words including very serious words. Now I don't know quite how I feel about that - it is really telling how middle schools are like, but it is very harsh language for a family audience. But they are trying to change the rating and possibly remove some of the curse words. So I guess the decision is just up to you - more updates will come soon I'm sure.
Well thanks so much for lasting to the end of the post! I know it's been a long time since I've posted, and this post itself has lasted for about a month. But I hope something in here has helped you.
I love Jesus Christ. I love my Father in Heaven. I know them to be two separate Beings who yet think exactly the same, who know and want what is best for me, and want to guide me (not force me) to make right decisions. I know that if I follow their example, and listen to their counsel each day, that I will not be thrown off or stressed or freaked out. I will be at peace in the storm, like the Savior's disciples on the sea of Galilee. I will become like Them. If I do everything they ask me to do.
And so we go.