Do you ever feel like the weeks just fly by? That's how I feel at this point in my life. One year ago I could hardly imagine the year that awaited me - so many things have happened. I've made so many new friends, gone through many new trials, and learned so much. I have come closer to my Brother and Friend Jesus Christ, and strengthened my relationships with family. This week feels no different - so let me summarize it in part to even remember what happened!
Monday: Went to class, studied and did homework. Oh! I forgot to mention - my cousin J is helping me to get into shape, but by doing so we're on a strict diet-and-exercise program. It consists of the following: Eat cottage cheese and toast for breakfast, meat and salad for lunch (lean meats and no dressing, or fat-free dressing), and pasta or protein + fiber for dinner, with two snacks in between. It actually isn't too bad - it's really filling! Unlike other diets where you're starving all day...the killer part is working out twice a day. We wake up at 6am and work out for an hour before I go to school, and then when I get home from school we go to the gym again and work out for an hour. Sigh...hopefully this will get me into that tuxedo I need to fit into for his wedding ;)
Tuesday: Also went to school and did homework. Then after school, I went to go see Beauty and the Beast in 3D with a friend!! It was awesome. Did I mention how I just love Beauty and the Beast??? Ahhhh..... :) In a...manly way, of course....
Random quote that my brother wanted me to post on here...because we both find it hilarious:
Gwen: "Do you have anything that's 5% fat and 20% sugar?"
Ice Cream Server: "Napkins. Next?"
Wednesday: Went on visits with C, P, and R. (hahaha...I just realized that's what their initials spell :) We were able to see a lot of good people, and were very uplifted by our visits with them. In institute afterwards we learned about...well, the thing that kept standing out to me was about patience. I guess it's because I've been working a lot on having more patience, and controlling my impulses. You know, those impulses you get at 11 o'clock at night to eat a whole sleeve of oreos and a glass of milk? Don't lie - I know you have those impulses too. I think....well, I do anyways. Amongst other bad impulses. So I'm trying to work on patience, and I think I got more revelation on how God wants me to work on it. So...I prayed for it. AAAHHH!!! Just FYI, whenever you pray for patience....God gives you the opportunity to build patience. I'm kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop. But I know it'll happen the way He wants :)
Thursday: Our basketball team won! Yeah, we're pretty awesome. .....that's it.
Friday: Saw Brian Regan!!!! In Salt Lake City!! He was soooooo funny. I love his humor. Then went over to M's house and watched Tangled, and clips from Phantom of the Opera. Night of awesomeness!!!
Saturday: Ran a lot of errands with my mom, and did a lot of homework. Then, just chilled and spent the day with family. It was a good day :)
Sunday: As usual, just writing about Sundays makes my head hurt. Got up at 8 to have prayer with the family, had meetings from 10-12, visited families in the ward from 12-1, had church from 1-4, met with the Stake President and Bishop until 5, had dinner with the family from 5-6, and then visited other families from our ward from 6-8. Whew! Now I'm home, typing these experiences up in an attempt to remember the things that happened this week, and try and analyze what exactly God is trying to teach me.
In writing this, it seems clear that...well, for one I'm not very specific involving these blogs. But I guess that makes sense - I don't want to bore you with all the little things that happen each day. But as I think about it, God is in all the little things that happen each day. I don't see His face every day, or get an appearance from an angel. But I do miraculously get through traffic to get to my class on time, or work hard on a paper that gets 100%, or run into a friend that I haven't seen for years just in time to talk with them about trials that they are going through. Does God care about these little things? Well, yes, actually. He cares about if I get an education; He cares about the relationships that I have. But most of all, He cares about helping me to have the mortal experience that enables me to become like Him. To have faith in Him, to believe that He can do all things, and that it is through His will that I receive the greatest happiness.
I am so grateful for the lessons I've learned, not just this week but this past year. I have really good friends, and an awesome family. I have great professors at school, and am learning more and more about what I want to do with my life. Most importantly, I have a Savior who atoned for my mistakes and trials, so that I could repent and receive comfort and strength through the hard times that I experience. I know that if you come to this knowledge as I did, then you will find more happiness than you can find in just about anything else - money, fame, power, etc.
And so we go.
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