Sunday, February 5, 2012

It doesn't matter now. Just let them come.

Well, this past week has flown by. I've been so busy I can hardly believe it's Sunday again. Let me review what's happened in the past two weeks:

Event 1 - Had a few last days with M.R., my other self. (Me, you, and D were all the same person - now it's just D and me, living the same life.) K and I said goodbye to him last Monday, and then he left on his mission on Wednesday. I might take another blog post and devote entirely to our relationship, but suffice it to say he was one of my best friends. I know he's going to do great. Love ya Costanza!!!

Event 2 - Many movie/hangout nights with friends.We watched Psych, The Sting, The Phantom of the Opera: 25th Anniversary, and Les Miserables: The Dream Cast in concert. Shakes were eaten, hamburgers were ordered, and ice cream cones were spilled. And above all, many deep talks were had about the meaning of life, relationships, the gospel, personal feelings, trials and tribulations, friendships, etc.

Event 3 - Meetings. Meetings. Meetings. Meetings. Lots of them! Mostly for the ward - more on this in another blog post. To be continued...

Event 4 -Visits. This is one of the best parts of my week. We go out and visit people in our ward who either need help and strengthening, people we don't know very well, or people that just moved into the area. Regardless of their circumstance, they always uplift and inspire me to try and be a better person. And sometimes we are blessed enough to be able to help them come unto Christ and rejoice together in the goodness of His gospel. Sound cheesy? Well, even if it does - it's true. Christ is the only way to true happiness. Also more on that later.

Event 5 - Hanging with my family. Man nights with the brother who I share a room with (meaning either talking all night about girls and school, or watching Homestar and How It Should Have Ended until we fall asleep. Movie nights with the family, going out to eat, and spending time with the people I love. Working out with cousins, going to dances, playing Rock Band until 5 in the morning. Great times :)

Event 6 - Tests. Tests. Papers. Homework. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Event 7 - Scripture Study and Prayer every morning. Does this count as an event? If it's important enough to have every morning, then I just wanted to mention it. I also wanted to mention that it's helped EXTREMELY in dealing with all the struggles and trials that I've been dealing with. Just so you know. :)

Well, in all of this, I wanted to mention that I feel extremely blessed by my Father in Heaven. I know I post often about the struggles I am going through - partly so that when I go through further struggles later in life, I can look back on these times and say, "Well, I thought I had it really rough then - and I got through it!" And realizing that I only got through it with His help. Well, right now I feel like He is lifting my spirit up and guiding me and protecting me from the forces of darkness. I feel His power around me, strengthening my commitment and courage to do what is right. I know this probably means that trials and heavy darkness soon await. Let them come. For if I trust in my God, all things are possible.

And so we go.

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