Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Shawn: You know I'm not really a regular person, right Phil?
Phil: What does that mean?
Shawn: 'Cause I tried once and failed. I'm just too unique and interesting. 
The French call it "Du Fromage".

Wow...the past week went by really fast. So many things happened - I went to school each day, worked out twice a day, and spent time with family, along with many wonderful things. :) But I don't want to spoil the ending for you - just read and you'll find out more as you go along.

Monday: Went to Family Home Evening, where we played Bishopric Jeopardy and got to know the members of our ward better. Then we went to M's house and watched Master and Commander. Can I just say, that movie is one of my favorite movies of all time. I don't want to spoil the movie for you, but let's just say I highly recommend it. HIGHLY. :)

Tuesday: After many hours of planning and homework, I went to Buffalo Wild Wings with D,W,C,K,L and a whole group of friends. 45c wings!! Honey BBQ!! Awesomeness. Then had man talk with D - one of my best friends, someone I'm very close to - for a couple of hours. Great night.
Wednesday: Went on visits with C,P,R and once again was highly spiritually uplifted. Then I went to institute and learned about patience and temperance. At least, that's what I learned - I can't remember what the lesson was about. Afterwards, went to JCW's with K and W, and had man talk haha. Then I went to go see M and C... and had one of the best nights of my life. More to come later. :D
Thursday: Right after school and finishing a paper, I hung out with my cousin T. She is one of my best friends, and basically the same person as me - just in a different body. We and our mutual cousin H left their apartment to go get Little Caesar's, and came back with meats, cheeses, bread, and chips to make sandwiches haha. Side note: I loooooove Jalepano Cheddar Cheetos. A lot. Then we went and played basketball with their ward. T was Chris Paul, and I was Russell Westbrook. How did we play together? Awesomely. Especially because we've been playing since we were little kids, so we know each other like the back of our hands. So needless to say, we kicked butt.
Friday: Loooooong day. After schooling and tests, I went over to my grandmother's house where I met all my cousins and their friends for luau practice. Like I've mentioned before, my cousin J is getting married in April, and because we're Samoan we're having a luau for the wedding reception. We practiced the sasa, the haka, the slap, and the pate pate. After 3 hours of that, my cousin T went to see The Vow and J, J, C, and I went to Five Guys and chatted for a while. Then I went home and hung out with my brother. We had man night - we watched Homestar Runner, and our new favorite show/obsession: Doctor Who. More on that later too :)
Saturday: Worked out in the morning, and then worked on martial arts techniques with J and S. Went to the temple in the morning with M and C, and then did homework and planned for the many meetings to come tomorrow. Then at night, I watched more Doctor Who with my brother S, and then headed over to M's house to watch Howl's Moving Castle. However, by the time we all got there, it was too late to watch a movie. So we just hung out with M's family and with B and L - a married couple whom I haven't seen for a while but love very dearly. And had a wonderful night :)
Sunday: Once again, the busiest day of the week. All the meetings that I attended today were full of the Spirit of God, leading us and guiding us to make changes that would help His children. He is so invested in the security and safety of His children - I feel it to the bottom of my heart every time we discuss them. He determined to make sure that we care for them in the best way possible, and that we not mess up His perfect plan for them. If you are a human being and you don't think that God loves you - you are wrong. I am sorry to be so bold, but He loves you so much and He wants you to come back to Him so desperately that He will do anything to help you. Remember that. :)

Permit me to go on a random tangent for a moment. When my brother S told me about Doctor Who, I kinda said, "Yeah, yeah. That sounds cool." And then he persuaded me to watch it with him. And I got hooked. He is like a mix between Shawn Spencer and Sherlock Holmes, although he's more Sherlock than Shawn. Extremely bohemian, impeccably neat, and of a calculating mind practically unmatched by any in his universe, Doctor Who is now one of my favorite characters of all time. Let me illustrate this by showing you a clip. Doctor Who = Awesome. :)

Let me be honest with you, dear reader. On some things, I am very open with you - my testimony of Jesus Christ, my love for my family, my struggles and my trials. These things I communicate to you in the efforts to offer you a glimpse into my life, through the hope that something in my struggles or triumphs may touch you and help you along the same path that I am trying to walk - that of trusting God, listening for His voice, becoming a better person, exercising faith in Christ. What you take out of my writings is all up to you. However, something recently has happened that causes me to be a little more honest with you than I usually am. I am in love. No, that's not right. I love someone very dearly. (Yes, she's a girl ;) And know, dear reader, that when I use the word "love" - I don't take it lightly. I haven't said that about anyone I care about in a romantic way except for her. I have come to know her very well, to the point that we know each other's thoughts. We care solely for the benefit of the other person, and want them to be happy. There's such a tenderness and kindness in love that we sometimes miss in the Hollywood romances. There is a devotedness to each other, a level of commitment in the word love that is missed entirely by our society today. So dear, if you are reading this - I love you.

Now, having said this, we will still face struggles in the future. We both feel that our troubles are not over yet, and that in fact we are meant to go through hard things together. But, such is life, right? Besides, this gives this subject a nice way to tie back into the purpose of my blog. :) If I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, and commit to following His teachings, I will be tried and tested to the limits of my ability. Why? Because I believe in a God who cares about me so much that  He is willing to build me and stretch me until I can become like Him and His Son. Having a girlfriend doesn't change that. The difference is how we face those hard things - if we will crumble and shrink from the support He gives us, or if we will stand strong and listen for His voice, that we might know what is right. That is what I am fighting for. That is what I care for. And I will defend it with my life.

And so we go. :)

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