Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Along the pathway to perfection...

Coach Boone: It's all right. We're in a fight. You boys are doing all that you can do. Anybody can see that. Win or lose... We gonna walk out of this stadium tonight with our heads held high. Do your best. That's all anybody can ask for. 
Big Ju: No, it ain't Coach. With all due respect, sir, you demanded more of us. You demanded perfection. Now, I ain't saying that I'm perfect, 'cause I'm not. And I ain't gonna never be. None of us are. But we have won every single game we have played till now. So this team is perfect. We stepped out on that field that way tonight. And, uh, if it's all the same to you, Coach Boone, that's how we want to leave it. 

That is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite movies. It explains a lot about how I feel like a family, a team, a brotherhood, even a church family should work. None of the individual members are perfect. But we all strive together to create a perfect society, a safe environment where we can all interact and grow one with another. That is being perfect. That is being complete. That is unity. I could go on for hours about this subject... Anyways! This week has been another crazy week. Lemme give you the deets:

Event 1: Planning There was a lot of planning this week, mainly because we had a lot of meetings and events this week. Because of the changes that are happening in our ward, we are trying to do our best to organize ourselves so that we can be prepared for the events to come. With all of the tasks still to do , as well as our constant effort to help others come unto Christ (not force them, but invite them), there has been a lot of planning so that we can balance all of our priorities and still be able to accomplish them all. On a personal note, planning is becoming extremely important. With all the time I need to spend at school, with the family, devoting time to my job, my church, and my girlfriend, it's become vital to take some time and plan out my week so that I can give proper attention to everything. So.....planning is good. :D
Event 2: Visiting Visiting families and individuals is part of my calling in my church, which I usually do with Durant, Fred, and George*. Just to clear up some misconceptions, by "visiting" I am not "intruding" or "policing". It is much like a visit from a parent - a "Hey, how are you??" and "What is going on in your life?" and "What can I do to help?". That is the purpose of visiting members of my church - to get to know them better, build a relationship with them, and see what I can do to help with all of the trials and struggles that they are going through. That is the true purpose of ministering - that is the whole meaning behind all that Christ taught. If I ever were to "visit" someone to bully them into coming to my church or to lecture them about their problems, then I am not teaching as Christ taught. In all things, but especially my calling, I want to emulate the example of the Master.
Event 3: School/Homework This took up the majority of my week. Two tests, two papers, and assignments practically every day. Enough said. I can't wait to get a job...and still be just as busy. :P
Event 4: Time with Belle Spent a lot of time on this one too :) On Valentine's Day I went over to her house and we watched You've Got Mail and Ever After - one right after the other. All the while eating delicious Oreo truffles and dried mangoes..... Mmmmm.... What a great night. :) Also we went to the temple, watched Howl's Moving Castle and The Secret World of Arriety (awesome movies!!), went to a friend's reception with her, and then hunt out with Indy and Marion (the holders of the title "My favorite married couple", after my parents of course) and her family. While I need to make sure I'm giving proper attention to all the other facets of my life, this one is still one of the most important. Just so you know :D
Event 5: Family Time I was able to spend a lot of time with family this week. Had 2-3 "man nights"with the Doctor, celebrated Chip's birthday, and was able to spend a lot of time in general with family. We went to Lowe's Air Sports (a tumbling place, complete with trampolines and rock walls), went out to eat at Olive Garden, and worked out together. This is one of my favorite ones, and also one of if not the most important. :)
Event 6: Meetings Yes, all the planning resulted in at least something tangible - meetings. Lots and lots and lots of meetings. Sunday was full of them (mainly pertaining to stewardship and the Spirit), Saturday held an awesome one about committees and leadership principles, Wednesday had both visits and instruction. I'm starting to get used to this meeting-heavy schedule, but I hope it never becomes too overwhelming or numbs me to my other responsibilities. 

* = Yes, these are all code names.

Now, my random tangent/obsession of the week. I actually have two - Doctor Who is still an obsession, carried over from last week. So here's a clip from Doctor Who that explains who the Doctor is, and why I am becoming so attached to him:

My other obsession (for this week haha) is sports. Specifically, basketball. I love basketball - I've played it ever since I was young. It has always been my favorite sport, and one that I've grown up learning, playing, and watching with my father. I served my mission in Philadelphia, PA, where basketball was king. I mean, don't get me wrong - football was a huge obsession over there too, equivalent to Texas. (Yeah, I went there.) But in the city, basketball was a source of pride - that's why it's been so depressing to watch the Sixers play in town. They stunk so badly. Now they're the third seed in the Eastern Conference in the NBA, and the city is rockin'. Not only are they a championship contender, they are a great TEAM. They are unselfish with the ball, they make the extra pass, they bust their butts on defense, they hustle after every loose ball, and they have great chemistry. This is the compete opposite of the days when "The Answer" (Allen Iverson) was dragging a weak team to the NBA Finals. Both are great teams, but one was built around a mega-star while the other is built around a cast of skilled character guys that play together to achieve success. Let me give you a clip of this current brand of 76ers, both because I love them and because it illustrates how they operate as a TEAM:

So with this talk of teamwork and selflessness, I'd like to mention the term "Accountability". Why? Well, the heart of a team starts with accountability. A definition of responsibility  by the dictionary is "a willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions". A great team relies on each player, each member taking personal responsibility for the success of the team. But also, it's what I've been studying in the scriptures recently. But, you might say, accountability is not in the scriptures. I don't remember ever reading that word - certainly Jesus never mentioned it! Well, you are right. But the principle of accountability is all over - Christ says,"that "every idle word that men shall speak, they give account thereof in the day of judgement" (Matthew 12:36), and again says, "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire" (3 Nephi 14: 19). While this isn't meant to scare or condemn anyone, it does bring a seriousness into our reflection of the deeds that we do each day, and the things we think about other people. We are accountable unto God for the things we do in this life, for how we use the blessings He has given us. He loves us, and He wants us to do our best so that we can become like Him. I know that the only way I can do that is to hold myself accountable to Him, and do my best to take responsibility for my actions.

And so we go.

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